A Call to Action!
Over the past weeks, as we approach Stewardship Sunday, we’ve heard and read about our new Vision and Mission Statements.
We envision a time when all people are valued, injustice and suffering are abolished, and God’s love and joy abound.
Pastor Jen reminded us that “our Vision Statement is different from most—it does not state what kind of church we want to be; it states why we want to be a church in the first place… God is remaking the world through every act of compassion, every relationship restored, every injustice reconciled, and every life renewed. This vision is the why of church and it sets the foundation for all that we do.”
St. Andrew’s Mission is to create and sustain an environment where followers of Jesus Christ are nurtured and challenged to grow in faith in order to carry out God’s reconciling work in the world.
Again, Pastor Jen: “If someone is in need, we seek to be God’s hands reaching out to them—hands that offer care, concern and recognition. We do this for no other reason than that this is the heart and soul of Christian community.”
Members of the 2035 Committee spoke to us about the development of a Five-Year Plan based on our Vision and Mission Statements and the process of establishing and implementing that plan by our Session along with the members of the congregation.
Stewardship is vital in determining whether the vision of the statement becomes a reality. Our time, talents and treasure are necessary for the church to succeed in its mission. Now is the time for all of us to join together in Planting Seeds for a Fruitful Future by developing and implementing our Five-Year Plan and providing the resources to make it a reality.
Pledges will be received during the worship service this Sunday.
In Christ,
The Stewardship Committee
Tamara Skov, Don Vickers, Tom Weisenburger, and Rev. Jennifer Fraser