Grounded in the desire to know God, St. Andrew’s embraces a spirit of intellectual and spiritual curiosity. While honoring the essentials of the Christian faith, we encourage a free exchange of ideas and openness to learning.
Affirmation of Diversity
In seeking to be the Body of Christ, we honor the unique experience of each person. St. Andrew’s is a community in which different perspectives are treated with respect, even in matters of disagreement. Members, friends, staff, and visitors are treated with dignity as children of God regardless of age, ability, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, cultural background, theological stance, economic status, or political affiliation.
God’s Presence in the World
We believe our faith is reflected in our awareness of and actions in the here and now. Our work as a church is to be carried out with the people we meet everyday and the conditions of life in the present. We are particularly mindful of nature as an expression of God’s presence in the world and seek to honor that presence by preserving the environment as sacred and holy.
Art as an Expression of Faith
We recognize that the reality of God cannot be fully expressed due to the limits of our awareness. Therefore, we seek to incorporate various means of artistic expression in order to create a fuller experience of truth. These expressions include music, art, poetry, storytelling, and more.
Honoring Traditions
We are grateful to be affiliated with the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA). Our forms of worship and our theological commitments reflect our place in the Reformed Tradition and our governing bodies adhere to the Constitution of the PCUSA.