If you look up “mission” in the dictionary, one of the definitions you’ll find reads “the vocation or calling of a religious organization, especially a Christian one, to go out into the world and spread its faith.” Since COVID began to ease, the mission committee has been meeting monthly. We have continued to support the special offerings and make other donations to worthwhile organizations on behalf of St. Andrews. And a small, but growing, group prepares and serves a monthly meal to the residents of Transition House.
But we’re looking to do more; we’re looking for opportunities to go out into the world and spread our faith. As we meet together and explore new organizations, existing efforts, and local partners, we look for ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in our community — whether that community is our neighborhood, our city, our county, or our world. We
welcome any ideas you may have; please share them. Over the next few months, we’ll be offering different opportunities for you and your friends and family to join us in different activities.
Whether we are adding a St. Andrews team to an existing program or joining together to volunteer for new events, we hope that you will help us as we look for new ways to follow James 2:18 “But someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” Join us as we show our
faith through our works.
Tamara Skov,
MIssion Committee Chair