As we look back at 2022, the Digital Presence Team’s most visible efforts are in our YouTube Channel and Website.
We use YouTube to broadcast our services and provide for later viewing by congregation members and those looking for a church. About 25% of our service attendance is remote via Live Stream broadcast. During 2022 our YouTube channel received 2,511 views, was watched 796 hours and ended the year with 96 subscribers. Live streaming also allows us to share special events, like the Gift of Music concert and Memorial Services, to those who cannot attend in person.
Our website has evolved as we refine our message. Updated earlier this week, our homepage update now includes a click-able slide carousel. These announcement slides direct visitors to more detailed content. Currently our slides link to our Service and Sermon Archive, Mission Conference Announcement, Christmas Eve Service recording, among others. This feature allows us to share upcoming events and information with anyone who can access our website. Along with our pages on Leadership, History, What We Believe and Pastor’s Message, this allows people to get to know us at their own pace.
The DPT’s annual report will cover more 2022 activity along with 2023 plans for upgrading sound equipment and facilitating Adult Ed instruction. In the meantime, if you have not seen our website in awhile, head over to and check it out.
And, for those feeling adventurous this new year, please consider participating one Sunday in the Becker Booth on slides and sound. You just need to push buttons at the proper time (there are usually only 6 of them). It will give you a different perspective on our service while directly helping with our mission.
Thanks and Blessings for the Coming Year, Kirk
The DPT includes: Jen Fraser, Kirk Grier, Samsun Keithley, Rachel Tobler, and Tom Weisenburger (with assistance from Nancy Boger, Scott Eschbach, Billie Fraser, Michael Padden-Rubin, and Porter Spencer).