Dear friends,
As some of you may know, last Thursday in the early morning, longtime St. Andrew’s member Dave Bohn passed away. He was surrounded by his family and his passing was peaceful. It marked the end of the long and fruitful life of a man known for his kind and gentle disposition.
One church member summed it up: “He was a pillar of the church and beloved by all. So was his wife, Joan. Sad news!” It doesn’t matter how long they lived or how expected their death was; when our friends depart from this life the news is always sad. In the short time that I knew Dave, I found him charming, kind and friendly, regardless of his own circumstances. He was so supportive of me as the new pastor of St. Andrew’s and said so many times, even at the funeral of his wife Joan. As he was dealing with the greatest loss of his life, he took the time to say encouraging things to me. That is a person who is always thinking of others.
Shortly after his passing, Dave’s son Jeff discovered yet another way in which his father thought of others. Dave left behind specific instructions for his service, including scriptures to be read and hymns to be sung. Jeff’s relief at this was immense. In planning a memorial service, we want to honor our loved ones, and there is no better way than to have their wishes clearly outlined so that we can set to work making them happen. It is a wonderful gift that is discovered by those we love in a difficult time.
Pastor Jen