Clerk of Session
I grew up in the Presbyterian Church. But, like most teenagers, I stopped attending in high school. In 1985, my parents started attending St. Andrew’s and not long after that, I started attending. Soon we were on committees – Dad was on Buildings & Grounds, Mom was moderator of the Deacons, and I was involved with the Sunday School as well as a money counter. The more I became involved with the workings of the church, the more I appreciated what an amazing community we had. I have since done 3 terms as a Deacon (2 terms as moderator). Six years ago, I was asked to join Session. This seemed daunting to me! I didn’t feel like I knew enough to be an Elder of the church. However, I’m glad I said yes – I have learned so much about our ‘inner workings’.
Last year Pastor Jen asked if I would be the next Clerk of Session. Again, I didn’t know enough in the beginning and I had very strong “imposter syndrome.” However, with the guidance of Sue Arnold (my predecessor) and Sandy Thoits (Sue’s predecessor), I am no longer an “imposter” and feel more confident in my position as Clerk of Session.
If you are like me, I had very little knowledge of what a Clerk did, besides take minutes. Some of my duties include: for Session, I set the agenda, gather all reports, take minutes, and distribute all reports in time for our monthly meetings. All emails from Presbytery and PCUSA come to me.
I also have general church duties: I keep the records for all members, such as dates of joining, births, deaths, Pastors, etc. This is a true history of our amazing church.
If you are asked to join a committee and it sounds daunting, just remember we are all family and we only want the best for each other so give it a try. And, it will give you the opportunity to learn more about how and why we function as an organization.
Since my parents are now gone, I get true comfort, just walking on campus. I consider it a home and you are all my family.
Dana Jo Monk, Clerk of Session