Dear friends,
I’m happy to announce that St. Andrew’s has formed a membership committee. We know the joy and comfort that worshiping and serving Jesus Christ together brings us. We are excited to share those feelings with the larger community.
We have a specific goal to
Three basic strategies have been discerned, which include creating an atmosphere of invitation, where members feel comfortable asking friends, colleagues, and neighbors to join them at church. This means many of our events will have an outward-looking focus. People are looking for ways to serve in their communities, and our church is the perfect place to answer that call. Our second strategy is to provide a warm and welcoming greeting to visitors. I know that we feel the warmth of our congregation personally, but reflecting that back to visitors can be tricky. In the upcoming months, we will share tactics that will help us achieve this goal. Our last strategy is to walk alongside new visitors, guests, and members to help them feel fully integrated into our church lives.
So let’s practice…You are invited to join the membership committee! We meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at 3 o’clock in the Vos room. This is a fun committee, where we share our joy in the Lord and creative methods for bringing it to the world. Please contact me at or 805-708-8699 with questions and suggestions.
Melinda Gerow
Membership committee chairperson