Turning Social Media Around
Dear St. Andrew’s Family,
Happy New Year! As we ring in 2024, it is important to step back and reflect on the priorities we have set for our life. Now is the best time of the year to reevaluate our habits and refine how we choose to spend our time.
You are probably well familiar with the argument for the perils of constant social media usage—I myself can’t at all disagree—and with new, developing, and emerging technologies seeking to influence and overtake our lives before we have considered the consequences, we should remember that we do not have to be victims to the algorithms and mega companies seeking to profit off our attention. It doesn’t have to be this way.
I believe that when social media platforms are properly deployed in one’s life with intention and positivity, there is, indeed, much good that can come from connecting digitally with friends and family near and far, staying informed on local events and offerings of your favorite businesses, non-profits, and organizations, and communicating with groups of interest in a way that emanates Christ’s love and compassion and God’s plan for reconciliation, abundant life, and good deed to all we come across in-person and (conveniently!) online.
I think that when put to use purposefully, and as God intends, digital communication can serve to amplify His Light in the world exponentially. For truly, the volume at which we can reach others with the hope and peace that is found in faith by using these modern methods can have an unprecedented impact. I invite you to join me in transforming social media from its present corners of darkness and chaos to a fuller manifestation of God’s kingdom. When we can right the model for human life that we’ve created in the ether, we are that much closer to an on-the-ground ideal reality: heaven on earth.
Make the St. Andrew’s community a beacon of God’s Light for all:
Lila Woodard