Congregational Meeting
After worship this Sunday we will hold our annual congregational meeting. This meeting is required by the Presbyterian Church (USA) Book of Order (G-1.0502). In addition to this meeting, St. Andrew’s holds a second congregational meeting in late June to elect officers. I want to take this opportunity to explain a little about our polity (how we make decisions) and what congregational meetings do and what they don’t do. Many of you will already know this, but for those who don’t, a little information can shed a lot of light.
There are three decision makers in a local PCUSA church: the Pastor, the Session and the Congregation. The Pastor decides who can preach (other than herself), what version of the Bible will be used in worship, the hymns sung in worship, and the calling and moderating of Session meetings. Pastors are involved in a lot of other decisions, but only the pastor can decide the above. The Session decides almost everything else: all other elements of worship, (including providing the sacraments), stewardship, education, mission, church finances, personnel, care of the facility, even overseeing the Deacons. The list for the Session goes on and on. In the PCUSA, the Ruling Elders (seated Session members) discern the bulk of the church’s ministry.
So what does the Congregation decide? Basically, it boils down to three things: calling/dismissing a pastor and setting the terms of the call; buying, selling, and encumbering the property; and electing officers. In short, the Congregation doesn’t decide how the church will function, it decides who decides how the church will function (by electing officers). Also, it is helpful to know that there is a difference between being a regular attender of a PCUSA church and being a member. If you are a regular attender, but not a member, you are under no obligation to ensure the continuation of the ministry. If you choose to be a member, you are promising to support and participate in the life of the church. This is why members vote in congregational meetings, regular attenders do not.
This Sunday, the members of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church are being called upon to exercise their obligation to set the terms of the Pastor’s call and to elect an officer to serve the Nominating Committee. These are fundamental decisions in the life of the church. I trust that you are fully equipped by God’s Spirit to fulfill this calling.
Pastor Jen