Greetings St. Andrews!
The DPT is interested in how we can use Information Technology to enhance and further the Mission of St. Andrew’s. And if we can have some fun along the way, so much the better. The use of Zoom and other IT tools to overcome COVID-19 challenges was a strong motivator in forming the DPT.
Many collaboration products that are common and expensive in the business community are available to us for low or no cost. Google Workplace for non-profits is an example that includes Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Sites, and other tools for free. The DPT facilitated St. Andrew’s adopting Google Workplace and migrating to Gmail in February 2021. While we are starting to use Docs and Sheets, how we further embrace Google Workplace is ours to map out.
Perhaps more visible for members, and those looking for us, is the move from pre-recorded Sunday Services to Live Streaming. The DPT championed this effort to leapfrog St. Andrew’s into the forefront of digital content delivery. Let’s be honest – our projectors running a slideshow is 1998 technology (1965 for 35mm slides). Today, our YouTube channel hosts over 100 videos and 80 subscribers, while our Sunday service has 15-20 viewers watching the live broadcast.
Likely the most awaited project though was our next-generation website. Yes, 1998 wanted that back too. While some effort had been made working with a partner, the PNC and COVID caused work to stop. When Pastor Jen joined us, it was clear she would have input, and the decision was made to develop the new site all in-house. Our new site went live on October 1, 2021.
If you have not yet seen it, head over to We have most of what you need to know on a scrollable home page. Check out the Google Events calendar and Pastor’s Message blog. You should find that the site works well on a mobile device too.
We are in a cloud-computing, mobile-first world. Information Technology is a “tool of a modern church” as well as an aspect of modern life. Think about how people find information now – “google” is a verb – printed white and yellow pages have little value. When was the last time you called 411? People search online. If you ask Google or Alexa or Siri – you are searching online.
St. Andrew’s has a website, a Facebook page, a Youtube page. This is how the majority of people will find us. Where we want to present our best self. If you want to help the DPT do that, let us know.
The DPT includes: Jen Fraser, Kirk Grier, Samsun Keithley, and Tom Weisenburger (with assistance from Nancy Boger, Scott Eschbach and Dana Monk).
Special Guest – Rev. Steve Jacobsen preaching this Sunday, 10/10 – Join us this Sunday for a sermon by Rev. Steve Jacobsen entitled “A Four-Dimensional Gospel” plus a message from our special guest, Disciple Dog. Scripture verses will include passages from Job 23, Hebrews 4 and Mark 10. There will also be special music from soloist Erin McKibben, performing a medley from “Just As I Am” and “Precious Lord, Take My Hand.”