What’s your happy place?
I have a few. Most of the time I say it’s my quilting room. And it does give me joy to create in that space surrounded by things that remind me of my sweet mom. But there are two more that come immediately to mind.
For the past 20 years I’ve found a great deal of joy at St. Andrew’s while planning for and teaching children. I really love sharing the Bible and exploring faith with young learners, especially alongside the dedicated and creative team that shares in that ministry.
And I’ve also been able to serve on the Worship Committee which I have found to be very worthwhile and edifying. So, I find myself in two happy places each month when those committees meet – and every Sunday when I see the connections to the thinking and planning parts of our meetings that are exhibited in a joy-filled group of growing children or a gathering of faithful worshipers – and almost daily when I remember something spoken, or sung, or an act of kindness shared, or the friendships I have developed at our church.
This next Sunday, I’ll be in both my church happy places at the same time when the children help Erin lead us in worship with a song about the Lord’s Prayer, which was the focus of their summer Sunday school. I hope that this special blend of children and worship brings you to a happy place as well.
Julie Sommers, member CYMT, Worship Committee Chair