A Report on (Some of the) Business of GA!
Hi, friends! Lila here. Today I’m going to let you in on some of the awesome business I played a (small) part in in the recent 226th General Assembly of the PresbyterianChurch (USA).
I served on the Race, Sexuality, and Gender Justice Committee as a Young Adult Advisory Delegate and am pleased to present to you two of our items of business that passed in plenary.
1. RSG-04: A Resolution to Recognize March 31st as Transgender Day of Visibility. This resolution pledges our support for the International Transgender Day of Visibility started in 2009 in celebration of all transgender people by recognizing March 31st on the annual PC(USA) planning calendar.
2. RSG-05: A Resolution Addressing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and the Realities of Hispanic Latino-a-é Ministry. This resolution creates a program in the PC(USA) led by Hispanic and Latino/a/é presbyterians to reimagine and reform Hispanic/Latino-a-é ministry in reparation
for historic harms and in the pursuit of forging a re-strengthened, reinvigorated path ahead. The program involves researching, gathering, training, equipping, implementing initiatives, and incorporating the PC(USA) Committee on Theological Education to support and improve Hispanic/Latino-a-é ministry leadership development.
Lastly, I want to share one more resolution that passed in the assembly that, while related to my committee’s focus, originated from the committee on polity and that I am particularly proud to announce:
3. POL-01: On Amending the Book of Order to Include Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Among the Categories Against Which This Church Does Not Discriminate. This recommendation passed with 94% in the affirmative and now goes to all presbyteries for their vote.
This is but a mere sampling of the many items of business the assembly considered and approved—a tiny piece of the big GA pie, if you will—and I encourage you to read up on the business in this and the various other policy areas at www.pc-biz.org. “Moderator, this concludes my report.” (Hehe, parliamentary humor …)
Lila Woodard