Getting Back into the Swing of Things
I hope everyone has had a peaceful, rejuvenating, joy-filled summer. As for me, I traveled a lot and spent a lot of time with extended family–it was great!. I particularly loved our “meeting-free July.” As much as I appreciate our Presbyterian system, with its committees and its group discernment, sometimes it can get a little overwhelming and I find it’s good to break free for a while and rest.
Now, it’s re-entry time. August is the month where we slowly get back into the swing of things. It starts this Sunday with our Annual Congregational Meeting. After worship the nominating committee will put forward a slate of candidates for various positions for congregational approval. We will also recognize those who are going off of Session and Deacons with our heartfelt appreciation. All voting members of the congregation are encouraged to attend. If you cannot attend in person, you can attend on the Livestream (instructions are below).
Next, on August 28th we will have our Annual Choir Potluck from 6:30-8:00. It will provide a chance to meet Erin (if you are new), connect or reconnect with friends, go over the schedule for the year, and get a sense of the music we will be singing. It’s also a good opportunity to check out the choir if you are curious but uncertain about joining.
We also have a few mission opportunities developing in August. We are collecting backpacks and school supplies starting now until September 8th. There are lots of families in Santa Barbara who cannot afford to send their child off to school with a new backpack or with the supplies that their child will need to be ready to learn. We can change that. The Santa Barbara Promotores Network will distribute all of the supplies to families who will benefit tremendously from them. You can drop pencils, pens, college ruled paper, 3-ring binders, and new backpacks off at the office or bring them to worship. On September 8th we will send them off with a blessing!
And, as always, you can bring non-perishable food items or plastics for our ongoing collections. Being a follower of Jesus, responding to the world with love and generosity, takes a lot of practice. These are simple ways to get back into the swing of things together!
Pastor Jen